Tuesday, June 12, 2012

reminiscing the old days


It's been a while since i last use this blog. well, this is not the only blog i got anyway. but, they all got their own purpose and reason. and this is the place where i would like to blabber anything, everything about! hehe..

and everything here is personal! nothing to do with others! i say what i want.. i say what i feel.. i say whatever i think.. and im always full of myself, which is why im so self centered. sometimes, its not because of my ignorance but it's because im so unique that no one understand me better than myself and of course Allah azza wajalla..

my greed, ive always wanted everything by doing nothing.. as lazy as i can be, ive always realize that im a multitask kind of person. the 'aql that Allah gave me makes me thinks profusely in such a short amount of time. to use this efficiently, i practice last minute work! ;) what an excuse.. haha..

bla..bla..bla.. actually, what i really want to say today is that i reminisce a lot of my old time lately, my school days to be specific. especially in my secondary school, SMI Hira'. ive always thought that i wont miss those time. cause there's nothing to be remembered about. nothing special. its just like a routine. you go to school..learn something.. do xm.. n get out of there.. n continue ur life till now. 

yet, i was totally wrong! i am today because of what ive been through before. as i remember myself correctly, before, im a very assobiyah person. for me, hira' is the best. no one can beat hira'. i even said to myself, i will go to University of Hira' which is not even exist till now! haha.. that's how i love so much my school. 

when i enter nilam puri foundation, there's one student who is a bit 'alim. lots of the girls says to me, owh.. i love this guy.. he reads quran very well, he is so well mannered..good looking..and  as arrogant as i can be, with my nose up, i say to her, heh, that's nothing! at my school, u can find 10 guys like him and they are better. they can even speak arabic fluently. and i will never introduce them to you..cause the only girl that suits them are hira' students themselves! fuyoooohhh...even i did not believe myself saying this! but this is the truth!! this thing really makes me smile nowadays. 

i was once a librarian during my school time. its never been something that im proud with. at times, i even forgot that i was a librarian. i only remember them when i need to submit my resume. thats all. but im once again mistaken! as a librarian, besides doing those cores with the books, i get to receive the newspaper first hand before anyone else can read. my job is to cover aurah-revealed pics with marker. what an amazing job ive done before! i dont think any other school did this. pics of people with their hair revealed i cover it with hijab. page with advertisement showing too much of a female figure, i throw it away. waaahhhh.. so proud of those time. never thought a librarian can be this angelic. hehe..

well, i think thats all for now. wait for another stories of my school many..many.. month from now. haha..


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